8 April 2009
The Director
City of Cape Town
Environmental Management
Via e-mail susan.matthysencapetown gov za
Dear Sir
We act on behalf of Nanda Investments (Pty) Ltd who have applied to the Department of Minerals and Energy for a permit to conduct prospecting work on the above rnentioned property. Our client will prospect for copper ore and molybdenum
In terms of the regulations of the Department of Mineral and Energy it is required to have an informative consultation with all land owners and/or affected parties The purpose of the informative consultation is to furnish you with the necessary details pertaining to the prospecting work to be conducted, and to afford all affected parties the opportunity to raise their concerns/objections, if any
According to the Deeds Office records the following properties are registered in the name of the Regional Services Council - Cape Metropole
1. Portion 3 of the Farm Knollevally No 41, In the City of
In Extent: 8,4499 Hectares
Held by Deed of Transfer No. T.12838/1 968;
2. Portion 4 of the Farm Knollevally No. 41, In the City of
In Extent: 5.7274 Hectares
Held by Deed of Transfer No T 12838f96,
3. Portion 5 of the Farm Knollevally No 41 In the City of
In Extent 3067 Hectares
Held by Deed of Transfer No. T.1389311977.
We attach hereto a copy of the Surveyor General’s Diagram the delineated portion reflecting the land on which prospecting work will be conducted From the diagram you will note that portion 3 and S of the farm Knollevally No 41 is situated on the western side of the N7 and portion 4 of the farm Knollevally No. 41 is situated on the eastern side of the N7. For identification purposes we also enclose herewith an enlargement of the diagram reflecting the properties registered in the name of the Regional Services Council -
An informative consultation will be held at
You are hereby cordially invited to attend the meeting and we would appreciate it if you would confirm by means of e-mail if you will attend the said meeting, and if so. the name and the number of the persons/representatives who will be present.
Should you have any further queries in this regard please do not hesitate to contact our offices.
We trust you find the above in order
Yours faithfully
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